這次所購買的鐵人三項相關書籍中,有包含「Companion to The Triathlete's Training Bible」及「The Triathlete's Training Bible third edition」二本 Joe Friel 寫的書。而這本書「Companion to The Triathlete's Training Bible」在 Amazon 網頁的 Frequently Bought Together 區塊也清楚地表明大家都會和 Going Long 一起買,且就書名來看,你當然會覺得它一定和「The Triathlete's Training Bible third edition」這本書是一對的。
「Companion to The Triathlete's Training Bible」這本書和第二版的「The Triathlete's Training Bible」才是一對的,是作者要讓已買過第二版的人,可以不用多花錢去買第三版,只要買「Companion to The Triathlete's Training Bible」這本書即可。
由此看得出來 Amazon 真的只會賣書,它不懂書呀! 我已在 Customer Review 留了言,提醒大家。
雖然 B&N 也在 Customers who bought this also bought 區塊秀出大家都會和第三版的三鐵訓練聖經一起買,然而這多半是顧客自己的錯,因為 B&N 在編輯者檢視中已明確跟大家說:
From the Publisher
If you use the second edition of The Triathlete's Training Bible to guide your training, there's good news: This Companion will quickly bring you up to speed with the most important advances in the sport.
to ami: 看樣子,你應該是來打廣告的(或是作 page rank)。