Two years ago, i writed a blog: "
How to connect MS SQL Server with Python in the Linux OS?". I used freetds + python-sybase in this Howto. Now i have to upgrade the linux server to x86_64 architecture(original in i386), then the old python-sybase package have always been failured. The newest version released at 2010 DEC, but i tried all the 39, 38, 36 versions that no one can compile accurately.
Fortunately, my underclassman talked to me about python-pymssql. And it has been packaged in the Ubuntu, so i just use the magic command:
$ sudo apt-get install python-pymssql
My Linux server takes the power back!!!
The usage likes python-sybase, below is the example:
2 import sys, datetime, pymssql
3 from types import IntType
5 DB = {
6 'ip': '',
7 'port': '1433',
8 'user': 'user',
9 'password': 'password',
10 'database': 'database',
11 }
13 try:
14 Database = pymssql.connect(host=':'.join([DB['ip'], DB['port']]), user=DB['user'], password=DB['password'], database=DB['database'], as_dict=True)
15 except pymssql.OperationalError, msg:
16 print "Could not Connection SQL Server"
17 sys.exit()
18 else:
19 DBCursor = Database.cursor()
21 sql = "select * from data_table"
22 print('sql: %s' % sql)
23 DBCursor.execute(sql)
25 while 1:
26 row = DBCursor.fetchone()
27 if not row: break
29 for k, v in row.items():
30 if type(k) == IntType: continue
32 if k.lower() in ('some_date_field', ):
34 if type(v) ==
35 value = v
36 else:
37 try:
38 value =*time.strptime(v, '%Y/%m/%d')[:3])
39 except:
40 value = None
41 else:
42 value = unicode(str(v), 'cp950')
44 print('%s => %s'%(k, v))